Survival Trapping
The survival trapping course is a must have if you plan to eat good in the woods on your bushcraft trips. SIGMA 3 Cadre will demonstrate how to catch wild game primitively and with modern trapping techniques. Everywhere you go in the world there are different techniques that are going to work best for a wide range of environments. Our goal is to show you a wide range of trapping techniques so that no matter where you are in the world, you will have something in your survival toolbox to get what you want.
The great thing about trapping is great is that the traps will work for you while you do nothing, and as we know all to well that survival is a bit of a lazy man’s game. The more calories you burn running around in the woods hunting, the more food you will have to catch to maintain your calorie minimums. So our goal as instructors is not to just teach you how to get through a survival situation with the bare minimum, but how to thrive and eat well when your out in the bush! Because in order to be sustainable longer term you have to be able to catch meat proficiently and be able to do it consistently in varying weather conditions.
There are dozens of methods to procure game but we are going to whittle it down to what works and what doesn’t. We’ve tried it all and we know what traps will work in what environments and we are going to show you the small little tips that make the difference in eating and going hungry.
The modern methods we will show will include the use of conibear traps and snares, foot hold traps, and other lightweight setups that you can easily carry in a small backpack or scout kit. The primitive traps we will cover will include a variety of snares as well as deadfalls and all the trigger systems we teach are easy to remember. This class, in my opinion, is the most important class you can take for getting meat in the wilderness. There is no more effective method for taking small game then trapping! The class will last 2 days/1 night. Hope to see you there!